PO Box 631
Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Mob: 0448 358 289
Meet 2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm for 6:30pm
Kondari Resort
49 Elizabeth St Urangan
We are the Lions -We Serve -
Any member of the community can join Lions
Be involved in and be connected to your community
You are most welcome to join the Lions Experience
Come along and see if it's for you - don't wait to be asked
Make your presence known and we will make you welcome
Send an email or call one of the numbers below
Fraser Lions - updated 19 Jan 2025
2023 - 2024
Operation "Hard Yakka" - Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Community Flights
Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal - Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay SES
Burrum Heads SES
Howard SES
Hervey Bay Transformations
TS Krait Navy Cadets Hervey Bay
RFDS - Guiding Lights
Fraser Coast Hospice
Hervey Bay Meals on Wheels
Comfort Kitchen - Hervey Bay
We Care 2 - Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Sleep Bus
Door 42 - Hervey Bay
Yoorana Womens Shelter
Historical Society - Hervey Bay
Lions Clubs Intnl Foundation - National Disaster Relief
Lions Hearing Dogs
Lions Prostate Cancer Research
Leukaemia Foundation
Lions Eye Health
Lions Alzheimer Foundation
Lions Rheumatism & Arthritis Research
Lions Medical Research Foundation
Lions Childhood Cancer Research
Muscular Dystrophy Association Australia
Motor Neurone Disease - Hervey Bay
QIMR Berghoffer Medical Research
Childrens Hospital Foundation
Hervey Bay Crime Stoppers
Rural & Regional Medical Graduate Project
Lions Christmas Cake Donations (>$1450 worth)
to HB charity & community organisations
2020 -2021
RACQ Care Flight
Hervey Bay SES
Burrum Heads SES
Hervey Bay Historical Village
Hervey Bay Transformations
Hervey Bay Hospital
Volunteer Marine Rescue
Hervey Bay Special School
Cystic Fibrosis
Mates for Mates
Lions Hearing Dogs
Lions Prostate Cancer Research
Leukaemia Foundation
Lions Rheumatism & Arthritis Research
Lions Alzheimer Foundation
Hervey Bay Lonsdale House
Hervey Bay High School
Urangan High School
Lions Christmas Cake Donations (>100)
to local charity & other organisations
Your Support for Lions Events and Functions provides for major donations every year
2021 -2022
RACQ Care Flight
Hervey Bay SES
Burrum Heads SES
Hervey Bay Historical Village
Hervey Bay Transformations
Hervey Bay Hospital - Diabetes Clinic (Grant secured)
Hervey Bay Special School
Fraser Coast Hospice
Childrens Hospital Foundation
Hervey Bay Historical Society
Hervey Bay Meals on Wheels
Yarrilee State School - Stemfest
Hervey Bay Service Clubs Signage (Grant secured)
Day For Girls - PNG comm support HB (Grant secured)
Lions Hearing Dogs
Lions Prostate Cancer Research
Leukaemia Foundation
Lions Rheumatism & Arthritis Research
Lions Eye Health
Lions Alzheimer Foundation
Lions Medical Research Foundation
Hervey Bay Lonsdale House
Hervey Bay Hospital - Care Bears
Muscular Dystrophy Association Australia
Cabaret for Ava - Neuroblastoma treatment - 8yr old
Lions Christmas Cake Donations (>$900 worth)
to HB charity & community organisations
FRASER LIONS supporting Hervey Bay Emergency Services
SES & Police & First Responders
Providing food services for Search and Rescue crews in Hervey Bay
2022 - 2023
Hervey Bay Community Flights
Hervey Bay SES
Burrum Heads SES
Howard SES
Hervey Bay Transformations
TS Krait Navy Cadets Hervey Bay
RFDS - Guiding Lights
Fraser Coast Hospice
Hervey Bay Meals on Wheels
Comfort Kitchen Hervey Bay
We Care 2 Hervey Bay
Swags - Homeless Hervey Bay
Aust Lions Childhood Cancer Research
Childrens Hospital Foundation
Lions Hearing Dogs
Lions Prostate Cancer Research
Leukaemia Foundation
Lions Eye Health
Lions Alzheimer Foundation
Lions Medical Research Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Association Australia
Motor Neurone Australia
Youth & Mens Health - Hervey Bay
Lions Youth Insearch
Lions Camp Duckadang
Lions Crime Watch HB
Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal - Hervey Bay
Ukranian Refugee Support - Hervey Bay
Lions Christmas Cake Donations (>$900 worth)
to HB charity & community organisations
SAREX (Search and Rescue Exercise) at Toogum Sep 2023
LIONS is a community service organisation
with a Local, National and International presence
sponsoring a great many projects
many of which are themed on health.
Eye Health is a major world wide project.
Then add in hearing, childhood cancer and mobility
amongst many others that are sponsored
Lions Australia maintains medical research facilities
at Brisbane - Adelaide - Perth.